Website Manager

Invitational Tournaments

Invitational Tournaments are put on by our Associations. We are happy to advertise and promote Invitational
Tournaments, but JBO does not sanction nor run them.


WE ARE NO LONGER HOLDING IN-PERSON Running of the Bulls. We will continue to advertise and promote the tournaments. Keep reading for details. 

If you are a JBO Association, the cost for listing your tournament here is free! The 2025 schedule of Invitational Tournaments will be posted here beginning January 24th, and then updated as needed.

Please email the JBO secretary with the following information:
1. Name of Association
2. Name of Tournament Director
3. Email of Tournament Director
4. Phone number of Tournament Director
5. Dates of Tournament
6. Division and Level of Tournament (JN, JA, etc.)
7. Attach any tournament flyer or website link that you would like included

If you are a non-JBO organization, the cost for advertising your tournaments on our website is $250.00 per tournament weekend. The non-JBO tournaments will be added to the 2025 Invitational Tournament schedule beginning March 17th.
Thank you and have a great season!